Added value through appreciation

For our company to remain successful on the market, it’s of great importance to us to show our employees the appreciation they deserve – because we know that our employees will give this appreciation back to us. It’s not only expressed in the way managers behave, but also means that we make the well-being of our employees one of our top priorities, both from a health and a social point of view.

We nurture our employees 

We care about our employees’ health and well-being. And that’s why we subsidise fitness activities, whether in the gym or as a member of a sports club. We also offer numerous options for further training within our Allegion Academy. 

In addition, our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) can be used at all our locations in the local language of the country, free of charge, at any time. The EAP is absolutely confidential and on hand to assist everyone in many areas of life. It offers access to free advice and practical information, as well as referrals to services such as legal advice, financial management, help with moving house, childcare and care of the elderly, and life counselling and coaching.

Mutual consideration and respect 

Social aspects are also very important to us. Being able to reconcile work and family life is a central element. This is why we offer a kindergarten subsidy and grant extra “child sickness” leave if children under 12 become ill. In addition, the option of remote and flexible working, with the exception of production, means that hours of work can be adapted to personal requirements.

To guarantee an awareness for subjects such as treating one another fairly and avoiding discrimination and bullying, SimonsVoss has a code of values that has to be complied with. Compliance training, which takes place regularly, also sensitises employees to our values and how to deal with problems that may arise. 

Satisfaction is a valuable commodity 

We always have a sympathetic ear for our staff. If there are nevertheless problems that are difficult for us to solve or for which more discretion is desired, the anonymous compliance hotline can be called.

Employee satisfaction is also measured anonymously once a year. This was last done by a Gallup survey, which yielded very positive results. For these to remain so, we’ve taken further measures and created a framework that includes regular company events, flat hierarchies and a high level of employee autonomy. 

In addition, it’s important to us that we’re all able to take productive decisions – free of unconscious bias. That’s why we offer all our employees a training course covering techniques for reducing prejudices, and therefore enabling staff to make unbiased decisions.

Social action isn’t a one-way street 

By the way: the standards we set internally also apply externally. We attach great importance to external service providers and suppliers working sustainably, acting ethically and ensuring the protection and safety of their employees. Fair working conditions are an important basis not only for us internally, but also for a good working relationship externally.